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Write Evocative Role Descriptions

Master the Art of Recruiting

The vested interest market or VIM are the people that have the most to gain from the success or failure of your company. When you are recruiting a team to build your startup, it is key to have them made up of VIM. It's extremely extremely important. Because you don't just need a team. You need the right team for you. So how do you get the right team? It starts off with writing an evocative role description that targets specifically VIM. 

If you are starting a dog food company, you want every damn person on that team to have a dog. If you are starting a medical company, you want every damn person on that team to have a connection with the problem and need the solution. If you are starting an electronics device company, you want every damn person to have a reason, a big reason, to want that device made. 

So how do you find those people? The first step is to write evocative role descriptions. When you first create your draft on Gusher, and start adding roles, the roles populate with a general role description template. This is really a starter to get you going. But as founder, you need to edit these and use the language of your industry, of your business, in the actual role description. 

So let's use the dog food company as an example. Those role descriptions, would definitely use dog related words in the descriptive sentences like wags, woof, dog , bark, puppy etc. So for example if I'm writing a role description for this, I may start the role description with something like "Do you love coming home and having your dog so happy to see you? Are you a dog parent with all the wags and woofs?".  What that does is it sets the stage for attracting the right people to your company.  After creating a custom description targeting the VIM, it's okay to go into the standard role description. But most of the really well written role descriptions, continue the evocative words and phrases throughout. So try not to take the easy way out. Make the entire role description evocative for your VIM. 

Remember, you don't just need a team. You need the RIGHT team for you!