💥 Boom! Gusher announces our new Champion Affiliate program

Master THE Question

Master the Art of Recruiting

Watch the Video, then read below

Mastering THE Question is the key to recruiting a performance-based equity team. I don't say this lightly. It is extremely important. It is what enables you as the founder to make a human connection. People don't join a startup for performance based equity based solely upon the business idea. About 99% of that decision by a future teammate, is based upon how they feel about YOU. 

And the way you make them feel good about you, is by telling them the details of who you are and WHY you are really starting this company. And I don't mean the market rationale for the company. I don't mean market statistics. I don't mean the demand. I don't mean the market size. I don't mean the new technology and what it's going to do.  I mean what about it, on a human level led you down this road to start the company. Was it something from your childhood? Was it a series of past events? Was it your horrible / good home life? Was it desperation? Was it a movie? Did you feel yourself drawn to it? Why? Why? Why? Do you do what you do? The REAL reason. People many times don't like to go "there" when it comes to them telling their true story. But the "there" is where you need to go if what you want to do is resonate on an authentic human level with prospective team members. 

And once you do this, you then have the right to ask them why they do what they do. And that's the key. You need to go first and show them what you're looking for. The exact same way we did it with you, before you joined Gusher.

And whether or not the person goes deeply into their true reasons as to why they do what they do, tells you a lot about that person. It tells you whether or not their profession is a passion, or just transactional. Because you're not interested in people that are just doing transactions. You are interested in VIM, the vested interest market. The people that have the most to gain from the success or failure of the company. You want teammates that have a true passion for what they do. You deserve that!

Watch the video.