💥 Boom! Gusher announces our new Champion Affiliate program


A platform to simulate, consolidate, and elevate performance in cardiopulmonary arrest management


Cardiac arrest in the ER, ICU, and elsewhere in the healthcare setting is a time for uniformity and reproducible orchestration.  The reality, however, is that the high tress levels and cognitive load of such an event leads to a lack of organization in approach and a hassle in documentation.  By extension, an easily-accessible modality for cognitive simulation and reflex development is paramount.  Furthermore, cognitive dissonance and overload leads to poor teamwork, decreased communication, and, ultimately, tension.  


ROSC is a plan for a community supplemented with a cross-platform application that will bring all essential data (high frequency medications, critical patient data, and course-altering interventions) into one interface that not only timestamps all events for official documentation, but provides a visual timeline for clarity.  Additionally, ROSC as a community will help to galvanize the heuristics of managing cardiac arrest and resuscitation in order to strengthen bonds, improve morale, and ultimately be a paradigm shift in the culture of medicine. 


The potential market for this innovation includes any and every high acuity healthcare provider, be it EMT, Physician, PA, NP, RN, resident, or even medical student.  This also transcends specific departments within a hospital setting, and would even span skilled nursing facilities.  The vision is to ease cognitive overload and facilitate fluid team collaboration in the high stakes of cardiopulmonary arrest.

  • Healthcare
  • Apps
  • Health Care
  • Mobile Apps
  • Medical
  • Medical Device
  • Hospital
  • Health Diagnostics
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Medicine